Sunday 16 September 2012

Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012:  Another awesome bbq afternoon with family - this time joined by my brother, Phil, and Julia's guy, Adam. My kids decided that my knowledge of and appreciation for beer was sadly inadequate, so they chose this afternoon to educate me.  We started an afternoon of beer tasting with Ayinger Brauweisse, followed by Wychwood's King Goblin, Spearhead's Hawaiian Style Pale Ale, 3 Innis & Gunns (original, Canada Day and rum finish), then the food (yes, some of us still had taste buds), and then the piece de resistance, Fruli's Strawberry Beer.  The last was my fav, and the only one that I would actually buy . . .  A superb spread of chicken, pork, sausage, and salad, served by my friend Careth (at my cute little red grill).  This is the life, all right!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Finally - I actually got on my blog!  Internet access at the Indian Line Campground near Toronto absolutely sucks!!  I'm at the end of my second week here - lots of family time, swimming, tempting skin cancer in the sun, reading, socializing, fighting the bus system, etc.  What little I hear of educational battles re-enforces my decision to retire at the current time - I don't envy my former colleagues their current climate! I have pictures, but can't upload them right now!

I was thinking of my choir friends on Thursday - hope your first rehearsal went well!ttul8r Joyce

Monday 3 September 2012

September 3, 2012

 Safely ensconced at Indian Line Campground in Brampton (just a stone's throw - or a GO bus ride - from Toronto and my children). My friend Careth is with me on this trip - great arrangement - I do the driving and washing up; she plans and cooks all the meals. This is an urban campground, but very nice - good people, trees, and a pool!!  My daughter, Julia, came by today and spent the afternoon and evening - had a wonderful time with her - sooo great to reconnect with family!  The whole fam damily (minus Kara, who has to work :( ) is coming for a bbq next Sunday.  Starting to feel like this is actually my home - and looking forward to tomorrow - the first day of school YAHOO!  Sorry, all my friends who are still in the stocks - wait a minute, no I'm not sorry . . .