Thursday 10 September 2015

July 27-31st

Finally got to see Kara and Bobby's new house!  I went to Toronto for five days and stayed with them - a wonderful opportunity to just hang out and be a part of their lives for awhile - just what I needed!  They took me to see the new Aquarium, which was okay, but not fantastic.  Not sure whether I've just seen too many aquariums, or if the one at Moody Gardens  in Galveston is just too awesome or what, but although the Toronto one was actually phenomenal in places (the part where one walks through a tunnel underneath the water, for example), I just wasn't overly impressed.  It was great to see it, though - I've been wanting to go there ever since it opened! I also got to spend an afternoon with Julia in Kensington Market - awesome!  Plus dinner in a diner with all of us, including Leon, whom I finally got to meet!  Amazing smile that man has - and the personality to match!

Bobby & Kara's back yard

Barkley's favourite place

Home of the Blue Jays

Cool octopus



Tunnel under water

Really cool fish

Weedy seadragon!


Bobby and Kara in the diner

Julia and Leon looking askance . . . 

Almost the whole fam damily - minus Gregory and Anna

Bobby & Kara's living room

Barkley posing

That's my boy!

Julia and The Car - Kensington

Plants growing out of The Car

Typical Kensington shop

Inside the gluten-free bake shop!

Dining room


Front hallway

And so long for now!

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