Friday 7 June 2019

May 20th to 27th, 2019

Finishing off the shawls - three down, one to go!  Squirrels on the back porch.

Gregory and Anna sent me this absolutely awesome Mother's Day card - complete with rv wheels, etc.!!


May 5th to 14th. 2019

Back in Ottawa - great to see Sue-Jane and Judi again!  Right into the swing of things again - church on Sunday - choir with James Caswell directing now, and Robert singing with the choir - how awesome is that!!  The choir has a dress code now, though - white shirts and black pants with a stole made by Karen and Chris. Really dislike the concept of a church choir requiring certain clothes, but will live with it for now, I guess.
Monday craft group at Judy's - Natasha has a project for me: she's created lap quilts for people in wheelchairs (wonderful product) and wants me to crochet four shawls to go with the four quilts she's made.  Sounds like fun!
Cardinals still show up in the backyard here - managed to get a few photos of one of them!

Took an afternoon to spend a few hours at Hogs Back, reading and enjoying the scenery!

May 2nd - 4th, 2019

Made it to Cheryl's house!  I always feel like I can really just relax and take a breather once I'm here . . .
Should have taken more photos - just got this one of Henry sleeping on the couch!  I love Cheryl and Jim's property - beautiful landscaping, awesome flowers, comfy chairs!

April 30th - May 1st, 2019

Whitby - and Jake (and Bobby and Kara, of course).  What a sweetie Jake is!  Just an adorable two year old - certainly starting to announce his independence, but so far outmanoeuvered by his clever parents! I spent two nights in the Walmart parking lot, as usual, and got to see Jake for a lovely, long visit!!

April 24th - 27th, 2019

The prairies were a bit of a blur - lots of hours of driving in order to scoot across the Ontario border!  On the eastern edge of Winnipeg, a van driver told me that my back wheel was wobbling!  I couldn't believe I wouldn't have felt that happening, but I pulled over into a gas station that had a bunch of semis parked - truckies know everything!  I talked to three drivers, who all looked at my tire and noted that I was missing a stud.  After a fair amount of deliberation, we all agreed that it was probably my loose hub cap which was wobbling - not the wheel!!  They were driving the opposite direction from me - otherwise, they would have driven beside me and observed that back wheel.  I love truckers!!  Have to admit, though - I worried about that wheel all the way to Sault Ste. Marie - after that, I figured that I was pretty safe and stopped thinking about it!
I took a brief detour through Michigan to Port Huron and Sarnia - spent one night at the Walmart in Saginaw before recrossing the border and making it to St. Thomas to see Jim and MaryLee.

Had to get a photo of the Wawa goose on the way through!

The rivers and lakes are still full of  ice!

Bridge across the border from Sault Ste. Marie

St. Thomas!

The newest edition to the Covil menagerie!


April 22nd, 2019

Medicine Hat - Costco for the night. Andre picked me up there and took me to their house where I got to spend most of the day with Lorna! It was awesome to see her - really, there's never any problem finding things to talk about with her - love spending time - wish I could have spent longer, but I'm very conscious of getting into Ontario as soon as possible, in order to satisfy the OHIP requirement - five months in the province. I know I'm cutting it pretty close, and I really can't afford to mess around with my medical coverage.  No health issues yet, but I can't gamble on that continuing!

My good friend - so glad I met you in Texas that year!!

April 18th - 21st

Balzac RV park - about 10  minutes from Gregory and Anna's house.  Probably the trashiest rv park I've ever stayed in!  The water hookup was under the wooden skirting of my next door neighbour's fifth wheel! Gopher holes and rabbits everywhere (cute bunnies) - obviously a place where people store their rvs rather than a park where people stay!
And . . . Gracie!!! Oh, and Gregory and Anna, of course😉 What an adorable little morsel - she's in the third percentile for height, so very tiny!  She's been walking since she was nine months old, so very hard to find shoes for her to walk outside, given her size!  Soooo good to see all three of them!! Lovely house - they all look very settled in their new surroundings - nice neighbourhood - really great to see! Gracie is a hoot to play with - love that little girl!
We went to Easter Sunday service at the local church - then Easter dinner in Didsbury with the Casurellas - always great to see them!

Playing the in and out game

Little princess!

My birthday pie - seven candles and a 1!

Easter dinner with the Casurellas in Didsbury