Friday 7 June 2019

April 24th - 27th, 2019

The prairies were a bit of a blur - lots of hours of driving in order to scoot across the Ontario border!  On the eastern edge of Winnipeg, a van driver told me that my back wheel was wobbling!  I couldn't believe I wouldn't have felt that happening, but I pulled over into a gas station that had a bunch of semis parked - truckies know everything!  I talked to three drivers, who all looked at my tire and noted that I was missing a stud.  After a fair amount of deliberation, we all agreed that it was probably my loose hub cap which was wobbling - not the wheel!!  They were driving the opposite direction from me - otherwise, they would have driven beside me and observed that back wheel.  I love truckers!!  Have to admit, though - I worried about that wheel all the way to Sault Ste. Marie - after that, I figured that I was pretty safe and stopped thinking about it!
I took a brief detour through Michigan to Port Huron and Sarnia - spent one night at the Walmart in Saginaw before recrossing the border and making it to St. Thomas to see Jim and MaryLee.

Had to get a photo of the Wawa goose on the way through!

The rivers and lakes are still full of  ice!

Bridge across the border from Sault Ste. Marie

St. Thomas!

The newest edition to the Covil menagerie!


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