Sunday, November 25th, 2012: Today was my first day singing with the Moody Methodist choir - what a blast! I went in for pre-rehearsal with one of the altos at 10:15, and after one run-through, guess what the pianist said to me? " There are two quite strong sopranos also singing, so you might want to tone it down, especially on the high notes." Busted already! We sang an SSA piece from Elijah, and it seemed to go quite well - we had three people in each part. They have a hymn book I've never seen before, but it has the music in it and was easy to sightread. We sang one Taize piece, which was pretty cool - I thought of GSJ. . .
This is a really wonderful, welcoming group - one lady lives in Jamaica Beach (very close to my campsite), so she's going to pick me up on Wednesday for choir practice. She directs the bell choir, so she's picking me up early and the whole bell group has dinner together and then practises - she's trying to recruit me for the bells - we'll see! I drove my RV in today and parked sideways across five parking spots in one of the many church lots - but it would be pretty sweet to get a drive and not have to unhook all my outside connections and put stuff away inside so that nothing falls and breaks.
On the way home, I stopped at Krogers for groceries, and couldn't resist taking the following pictures:
Yep - that's beer - just sitting there amongst all the groceries. |
I bought a pint bottle of Saint Arnold Sailing Santa Texas Craft Brewed Ale, just so I could say that I did. Bobby or Gregory, do either of you recognize this brand? I drank about half of it this afternoon, but alas, I have neither the palate nor the vocabulary to describe the taste! |
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