Thursday 27 December 2012

Thursday, December 27th, 2012:  A bit of history, since I haven't blogged for a few days.  Sunday the Moody choir sang the Christmas cantata which we have been practising - it seemed to go fine, and was well received by the listeners.  After church, Helen and Rob and I had a quick bite at a restaurant, then went to see The Hobbit.  I enjoyed the movie, but it's very much a prequel to Lord of the Rings, rather than the story intended by Tolkien. Lots of foreshadowing, and scenes which just have to be straight out of the Silmarillion, obviously providing background to LOTR.  Afterwards, we went last minute Christmas shopping at Palais Royal and Kroegers - all in all, a great day!
The Christmas Eve services were fun - we had about twenty in the choir at 8:00;  eight at 11:00.  I was struck by the similarities between these services and those at GSJ - looking out at the candles being held by everyone at the end of the service, I had a moment of memory overlay - felt like I could be in the choir loft at GSJ.  I missed all my friends there - hope your service went well!
Christmas Day was awesome - I got to skype with all my kids and their spouses, and also talk on the phone with Sherry and my adopted grandkids, which was a real highlight!
Boxing day was a total watch-movies-and-relax sort of day -thank God for Netflix!
Today, I'm going out with Helen and Rob to see Les Miserables (the movie just came out), then potluck dinner with the rv community.

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