Monday 28 January 2013

Monday, January 28th:  For all my teacher friends - I just spotted this letter from a retired Texas teacher. We do have it good in Ontario, current labour dispute notwithstanding!

 — Nan Kittell, Coldspring
Retired Texas teachers need boost
If you, a loved one or a friend is a retired Texas public schoolteacher PLEASE help us now!
Texas retired teachers do not receive Social Security nor do we receive "cost of living" increases. Our income has stayed the same since 2001.
It takes a vote by the Legislature for any increase. This current Legislature will be bombarded with requests for funds and because they meet only every other year, this will be the only chance for an increase for another two years.
Teachers do not make big salaries today, but go back 20 or 30 years. What they earned then determines their retirement checks now.
Gasoline alone is twice what we paid twelve years ago. So we can only drive half as often. Remember what bread and milk cost in 2000? More than double now. We retirees, out of savings, are moving in with our children.
At 80 years old my medications and physicians office visits are a big part of my monthly outgo. Older people expect more medical costs. They need more funds to pay for those.
While more and more people qualify for welfare and unemployment, more retired teachers are seeking employment. I worked full time at age 75-76, but cannot do so any longer.
A simple phone call to your local representative and senator urging support for retired teachers will help. Also contact Rick Perry's office asking for his endorsement for a pay hike for retired Texas teachers.

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