Tuesday 6 August 2019

Sunday, July 28th, 2019

Rob & Helen drove the truck up to the Viking RV park where I was staying and we went out on the boat - amazing time! Only cost us $40 each, too. We motored around a five icebergs - Rob walked one of them - we jigged for cod (I caught two little ones and a very ugly fish called a sculpin - and we saw quite a number of whales!
That was the morning, and in the afternoon, we went to L'Anse aux Meadows, where we joined a tour (free with our Discovery Pass) and spent about three hours exploring the Viking site. Fascinating - the building looks very much like a  hobbit hole!
Rob and Helen drove back to their rig for the night and I drove back to Green Island Cove Monday.  In my absence, they had figured out the tire issue! A guy 6 min. away could patch it, but Rob's insurance company wouldn't cover travelling on a patched tire; it would, however, cover getting a brand new tire.  Rob found a garage in Cow Head which would order a new tire to arrive on Tuesday morning - so . . . I stayed beside them for Monday night; the guy came and patched the tire that evening; we got up early Tuesday morning and drove to Cow Head, where the garage put on the new tire, and we were back on track on the road by Tuesday afternoon!  Always an adventure!

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