Tuesday 17 February 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday - Julia arrived today!!  I drove the rental car in early, so that I could stop at Dues and buy yet another handle for my grey tank (going to try putting a clamp around it and see if that keeps it on this time) and talk to them about going over my rv sometime in the near future.  I miscalculated the time and ended up at Bush airport about 3:00 for Julia's 5:14 arrival!  Her plane was late, and finally touched down at 5:37 - how awesome it was to see her!  She looks amazing - I love her hair! However, her baggage didn`t show up, and we spent a good two and a half  hours waiting at the baggage carousel and going from desk to desk, terminal to terminal, as different people said different things and sent us different places.  Air Canada was conspicuous by their absence -  no one in the baggage claims office, and the people behind the ticket desk left at 7:00, even though there were AC flights past midnight!  I got into the baggage office at one point (the door was unlocked) and phoned a number I found in one of the drawers - but the woman who answered the phone sent me on a wild goose chase . . .  Julia looked up at the monitor around 8:30 and noticed that there was a second Flight 8115 (she had been on 8119, but a woman behind the Southwest desk had told us that it looked like Julia`s bag had gone on 8115 - and that flight had arrived before Julia) and this flight arrived at 10:45.  At that point, we went to the Marriot Hotel and had dinner!  Sure enough, her bag arrived on the late plane - thank God - and we drove back to Galveston and fell into bed!

The infamous carousel

Waiting . . . 

. . . and waiting . . . 

. . . and waiting . . . 

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