Monday 19 January 2015

December 23rd-25th, 2014

On the 23rd,, a small group of us went Christmas carolling around the park, then drove to Phyllis' mother's nursing home and serenaded her there!  I had made and printed some carol sheets for us to use,  It was great fun and we ended the night with hot chocolate at MacDonald's!  Christmas Eve I spent, as usual, at church - Tish and Bob picked me up around 6:30 for the 8:00 p.m. service, followed by potluck snacks and then the 11:00 p.m. service.  Christmas Day, around noon, I google-hung-out with my kids - except that my audio wouldn't work, so I saw and heard all of them but couldn't participate, since they couldn't hear me!  It was good, though - I love seeing all of them at the same time!
Later on in the day, Luanne picked me up and we went to her neighbour's house across the street from the house she bought in Galveston, for real Christmas dinner!  It was truly wonderful, and the first Christmas dinner I've had in years!!!  I stayed over at Luanne's house for three nights and we drove around looking at the lights one evening. Great Christmas!

The carolling group with Phyllis' mother

Luanne's neighbours' house

Yummy turkey and all the trimmings

Luanne gesticulating; hostess on the left

Living room and dining table - so beautifully set up!

Sunset on Sealy Street in Galveston

Lights on one of the side streets

Luanne's house

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