Friday 30 January 2015

January 15, 2015

Second port - Grand Cayman!  Thank goodness we booked a shore excursion that requires little walking today - both Donna and I are ready for a less strenuous day!  We took a tender onto land met up with our guide for the Amphibious Tour of the island - very like the Duck Tour in Galveston.  Once again, excellent tour guide and driver.  On the sea, we got to look at coral, pretty coloured fish, and ship wrecks, thanks to the underwater camera attached to the bottom of the vehicle - and also thanks to the incredibly clear water!  We learned that this Cayman Island is called "Grand" simply because it's bigger than the other two.  It's only industry is tourism - and banks.  You know when criminals are said to be depositing money in off-shore accounts?  Well, the Caymans are one big off-shore place . . .  Again, lots of beautiful scenery - and we stopped at a beach for about half an hour for a drink and to check out the beautiful sand!

Shore excursion ticket

Tour guide

On the water

Approaching the water

And down with a splash


Carnival Magic from the tour vehicle

Swimming off another tour boat

Columbus ship replica

Fish - note the clear water

Heading to land again

Did I mentioin how much I love trees??

Beach on Grand Cayman Island!

Tourism really is the industry around here

Even a Burger King!

This church ceiling was constructed using boards from sunken ship wrecks.  They tried to create the impression of the hull of a boat.

Liquor store next to the church. Our Jamaican guide told us that all churches have liquor stores next to them - so, while the women are engaged in spiritual activities, the men are dealing with another kind of spirits . . . 

Our amphibious tour vehicle

Cafe del Sol, where we found free wifi and spent some time facebooking!

Donna by the sea

Me too

Second formal night, back on board

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