Saturday 6 June 2015

May 14 - 16, 2015

Thursday was the last choir practice of the season (sigh) so some of us went to the pub afterwards for a cold one.  Bobby would be proud of me - I had a craft beer (well, didn't actually drink all of it, but the thought was there . . . )

I've now officially joined the Bytown Goodsamers RV Club - an Ontario chapter of the Good Sam club, of which I am a member.  They go to an RV park in Brockville for events - and this week was one of them.  Most people arrived Tuesday and stayed until Monday, but I arrived Friday morning (in time for the potluck that evening) and left Saturday afternoon - just wanted to get a feel for the club before joining.  They have a few of these week long events, during which the men clean up a particular highway for which they have taken responsibility and the women make jean quilts for teenagers at CHEO.  Personally, I would rather be cleaning up the highway - but since I was new and only there for two days, I managed to avoid the quilting and crocheted instead.  Although I don't really identify with the whole sewing thing, I can certainly see the benefits of being connected to a Canadian rv club - and I'll probably attend the July 1st weekend and maybe the Labour Day one, too.

Jim, David, Susan, Robert, Rebecca, Marilyn, and Karen!

Happy Green Acres Park 

Jean quilt - pretty impressive - practically every single bit of the jeans is used!

The hall where it all happens!

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