Saturday 20 February 2016

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Today we toured the Turtle Barn!  From the website: The mission of the NMFS SEFSC Galveston 
Laboratory is to provide scientific information for 1) management of commercial and recreational fishery species, 2) characterization of habitats for fishery species, and 3) conservation of endangered sea turtles and other marine species, the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. southeastern Atlantic and the U. S. Caribbean.
Translation: this facility primarily is used for testing out strategies to protect sea turtles from people!
Specifically - we saw shrimp nets, which catch turtles and drown them, since they can't get to the surface of the water to breathe.  The Galveston Marine Laboratory has devised a metal hoop with bars across the opening, which is installed in the shrimp net, thus preventing sea turtles from getting pulled into the net - but allowing for the shrimp to be caught.  It's now federal law for every shrimper to have this contraption as part of each of their nets.  Pretty cool, eh?

Little baby turtles.  They escape the nets because they're too young to dive deeply - they mainly swim along the surface, eating stuff that's there.

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Relatively low-key day:  morning exercises in the spa, lunch at Tortuga's, nap in the sun, work on this blog, movie in the clubhouse in the evening. Awesome weather! Just another day at Jamaica Beach - aaahhhhh!



Great location - right on the Gulf of Mexico!

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Today we (Susan, Joan, Daisy and I) went out to Kemah (a town about 20 miles this side of Houston) to eat at T-Bone Tom's (arguably one of the best bbq places in Texas) and then walk the Boardwalk, with its rides and restaurants, right on the water.

Wooden roller coaster - I know, crappy photo!

February 13, 2016

Today was our Valentine's Day dinner, prepared and served by Dora and co.!  We've been preparing for our pre-dinner concert for a number of weeks now - script by Joan, programming from years past and with input from Susan, Greg, Tim, Joan, and I.  Tim provided the sound system (well, the experise was his, most of the actual equipment was bought by Ron); Greg sang "Love Me Tender"; I sang "Could I Have this Dance?"; all three of us narrated; Susan played "My Funny Valentine", "Memories", and "When the Saints Go Marching In"' as well as accompanying us on the three singalong songs - Susan was, for 40 years, the Principal Trumpet of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra - and man, can she make that trumpet speak!!  Since I was involved, I got no pictures of the concert - just one of the tables all decorated before the event.

February 12th, 2016

Susan et al drove around to see a few of the tree sculptures again - then to La King's on The Strand for the best ice cream on the island! Also got to watch the Taffy Man making taffy and pulling it on the special taffy-pulling machine. Very cool!

Flowers carved into this tree

The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz - and Toto by his feet

Woman reading to children - my favourite of all the scuptures

A pod of dolphins

Making taffy in La King's 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today, Susan, Joan, Daisy and I went to Pelican Island, to Seawolf Park out on the end of the island.  There's a WWII submarine the USS Cavalla and one of only three destroyer escorts in the world, the USS Stewart. The remains of the tanker S.S. Selma, the largest concrete ship constructed, can be seen northwest of the park's fishing pier.  Susan and I explored the submarine and destroyer - up and down ladders, through round doorways - it was facinating! 

USS Cavalla

From the top deck

The destroyer 

Inside the submarine

Sleeping right above a torpedo!

More bunk beds -  no torpedos this time!

Escape hatch!

On the destroyer

Kitchen - soup or stew, maybe

Repaired damage done by Ike



Leaving the park