Friday 19 February 2016

January 24th, 2016

Luanne and I took the ferry to the Bolivar Peninsula and spent most of the day there, just randomly driving and stopping at interesting things.  We had lunch at the Stingaree Restaurant, then drove along the beach for miles - pretty awesome!

One end of Seawolf Park on Pelican Island - the destroyer which is  now a museum

The other end of Seawolf Park, including the fishing pier

Lots of ships in the harbour - always!

Tugboat, seen from inside Stingaree Restaurant

Decks outside Stingaree

Inside the restaurant

Luanne pointing out the passing tug

And another tug!

Not sure what's being built - probably condos

Gotta love those palm trees!

One of the tugboats we saw from the restaurant, this time from a bridge about 5 miles away.

Victims of Hurricane Ike, 2008. In this area, the law prevents people from building any more residences - too much danger from possible future hurricanes.  The government bought the land from previous residents and it just stands there, a monument to the sometimes frightening power of nature!

One of the craziest residences I've seen!  Just look at all that ramp!

Driving on the beach

How the GPS sees beach driving

Huge pilings - lots of Bolivar  houses are this high!

On the ferry, from the perspective of the GPS

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