Monday 27 February 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Jazz Sunday at Moody Methodist - lots of great, uplifting music - and a sermon bordering on the obvious - the elephant in the room - I can only imagine how difficult it must be, to be a minister there, attempting to encourage positivity and spirituality while confronting discrimination  and blatant diregard for humanity at the political level - or, to put it more plainly, to speak out against a megalomaniacal,  bigotted regime without jeopardizing the potential connection with Trump supporters in the congregation. Talk about a razor's edge!  Luanne took a number of videos during the service, which I will attempt to upload here once I get to the clubhouse to access their better wifi connetion.,
After church, a very, very difficult goodbye to Tracy, whom I absolutely adore.
Last meal at Gilhooley's Restaurant in San Leon - Luanne and I drove there, and Tay and her husband were there, saving a table for us!  The oysters were just melt-in-your mouth delicious, as usual!
Afterwards, Luanne and I went across to John and Mary's house (across the street from Luanne's) for a few hours.  John projected a map of BC, Alberta, and Alaska onto his big screen tv monitor and we went over my trip to Alaska this summer. Very, very cool to see my plans on the big screen!

Luanne and Jim


The Gilhooley experience!

Luanne and I

Two of my worlds intersecting briefly - Luanne, my Galveston é RV friend; Tay, my Moody Methodist choir connection.

Saturday, February 25th, 2017

Off to Luanne's around 9:00 a.m. - last breakfast at the Sunflower Cafe;  last spin around the Bolivar Peninsula, taking in familiar sights, sitting on the beach; last meal at Stingaree Restaurant with its outdoor deck and cool view of the pelicans diving for food in the setting sun; last trip back to Galveston on the ferry.  Lots of lasts . . .

Coffee shop from the back

Such a cool drive-in window!

And absolutely awesome chai tea latte

This is a Texas Pecan Cake Cup!

Crystal Beach

We drove along this fire, trying to figure out what was burning and why.

A single wide trailer with the mother of all accessible ramps!  You'd need to have very developed arm muscles to get a wheelchair up this sucker!

Last drive on Bolivar beaches.

My attempt at a selfie,

Ah yes, this is the life.

The view from Stingaree Restaurant - lots of  cargo ships going by the window

Watching the pelicans dive and swim - love these birds!

Bolivar ferry back to Galveston

Friday, Feb. 24th, 2017

Last drive to the beach with Susan, Joan, and Daisy; last craft session in the clubhouse in the afternoon. A few random shots of the park from; the first story balcony of the clubhouse.

Sally Marshall with her newly finished quilt - quilted with her long arm machine!

February 23rd, 2017

Last potluck for me!  Susan and Joan presented a "Salute to Veterans" program before the meal - I came to add to the singing - particularly of the Canadian national anthem, but also of the anthems / songs associated with the different sections of the American military.  Not that I actually knew them all, but I listened to youtube a bit and knew the general tune of many of them.  Dale Hudson mc-ed, with his booming voice - really a pleasure just to listen to him talking!  There are some very interesting people here whom I will miss!

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The salad / dessert table (the pool table at other times).

Susan and her trumpet

Joan at the sound system.

Gotcha, Stella!  My friend from Sarnia

Official park photographer - Connie Heinlin

Connie taking a photo of me taking a photo of her . . . 

One side of the program

Colleen Hudson - check out the earrings!  - and the shirt matching her husband's!

Dale and Dora - hard to get a picture of Dora not moving!

Even harder to get a pic of Ron holding still!


Vietnam Veterans being recognized - Galveston was played here

After potluck, Susan & Joan and I drove around the new area - check out this rv!

Daisy puts up with all this in the back seat of the rental car!