Monday 27 February 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Jazz Sunday at Moody Methodist - lots of great, uplifting music - and a sermon bordering on the obvious - the elephant in the room - I can only imagine how difficult it must be, to be a minister there, attempting to encourage positivity and spirituality while confronting discrimination  and blatant diregard for humanity at the political level - or, to put it more plainly, to speak out against a megalomaniacal,  bigotted regime without jeopardizing the potential connection with Trump supporters in the congregation. Talk about a razor's edge!  Luanne took a number of videos during the service, which I will attempt to upload here once I get to the clubhouse to access their better wifi connetion.,
After church, a very, very difficult goodbye to Tracy, whom I absolutely adore.
Last meal at Gilhooley's Restaurant in San Leon - Luanne and I drove there, and Tay and her husband were there, saving a table for us!  The oysters were just melt-in-your mouth delicious, as usual!
Afterwards, Luanne and I went across to John and Mary's house (across the street from Luanne's) for a few hours.  John projected a map of BC, Alberta, and Alaska onto his big screen tv monitor and we went over my trip to Alaska this summer. Very, very cool to see my plans on the big screen!

Luanne and Jim


The Gilhooley experience!

Luanne and I

Two of my worlds intersecting briefly - Luanne, my Galveston é RV friend; Tay, my Moody Methodist choir connection.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that the time has come for you to leave. It has flown by.
