Tuesday 25 July 2017

July 3rd to 6th

We drove through more beautiful scenery to Fort Nelson, where we parked in an IGA parking lot. Went to the Visitors Centre, then just chilled and went to bed early. Rob, Helen, and co. went out for dinner; I was sick from eating chocolate to stay awake while driving, so I just went to bed. The next morning, the other group took off for Liard River and I drove to Fort Liard, in the Northwest Territory! I'm very glad that I made this trip - my only foray into the NWT - but was a bit shocked by the apparent poverty of the region. There was a truck delivering fresh water, which is not a good sign!
I spent that night back in Fort Nelson, then drove to Liard River to join up with the group in a campground right next to the hotsprings. Awesome time relaxing here!!

Fort Nelson Visitors' Center

My one foray into the Northwest Territories!

Fort Liard tourist craft center

The most modern-looking part of town

Main Street, Fort Liard

Fort Nelson Museum

Black bear on the road to Liard River

Hot springs at Liard River

Bison on the side of the highway!

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