Sunday 2 July 2017

June 13th to 17th, 2017

Left Prince Albert, heading for Medicine Hat.  Since I`m now two days ahead of myself, I drove as far as Moosejaw, thinking that I would finally see those caves that I`ve heard so much about. However, I just crashed and ended up spending two nights at Walmart, just sleeping!  Made it to Swift Current on the 15th, then Medicine Hat to see Lorna and Andre on the 16th to the 18th.
Absolutely wonderful visit with them - they took me on a tour of Medicine Hat, to a pottery museum and shop, to an awesome park - I seriously like this town and could imagine living here!

Moosejaw Walmart

Swift Current Walmart mall.

Costco parking lot.  Fireworks display the last night I was there!

Beautiful park!

Swimming area in the above park.

Ancient kiln

Old kilns used many years ago

Famous pottery!

In the park

Lorna, fixing one of  her awesome salads!

Costco parking lot again.

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