Monday 8 April 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013:  Some catchup needed here!  On Wednesdays, Dora takes whoever wants to go in the van - out for lunch and then shopping; last Tuesday, Dora and Ron took us to Brazos State Park to see alligators - very cool.  We walked the perimeter of a lake   at one stage, I sat on a bench and waited while an alligator swam up in front of me.  I was hoping that he would get out on land. but some kids behind me shrieked and scared him away.

Tammy and Angie (Dora's daughter) at Jimmy Changa's mexican restaurant

The dinner party we threw for Dora and Ron,. just to thank them for all the extras they do for us!

Lunch again:  left to right Dora, Pat, Stella, Virginia, Eileen, Debbie

Cool chandelier

Can there  be a more wonderful sight to have in one's rearview mirror?  The waves pounding on the shore!

?? and Faith


This is a not very busy day at the beach!

Baby alligator at the State Parki

Cool snake - can't remember the type

I love trees!

Map of Brazos

Some of our crowd headed back to the van

This guy was right close to the pier

Beside the pier

Looking back from the pier

Walking out onto the pier

From part way aroiund the lake

At the edge of the water reeds

Another big guy

Gotta love those trees!

Cool, very large butterfly

The road goes ever on and on . . .

The side of the lake

Birds picking away at  bugs or whatever!

Pretty flowers

Taken from the path

And another one!

And off he goes!

Almost old mother willow - ish


The path from the lookout tower

From the corner, look straight up and you'll see the alligator

From the tower

Also from the tower

My friend

Closer . . .

Nervous - almost submerged 

This is as close as he got

This diving bird is a member of the cormorant family - dives for fish and then dries out his wings before taking off

He sat here for ages, posing

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