Sunday 14 April 2013

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

  What a week!  I took my RV in to have the air conditioning in the cab fixed (it hasn't worked since I bought the RV) and to have the oil changed, preparatory to driving 1500 miles to Canada.  The problem was the capaciter which feeds both the air conditioner and the daytime running lights:  it has a capacity of 10 volts, but together the ac and lights take 11 volts - so duh!  Anyway, they replaced it with a better one and now the ac works - have used it on my trip so far through Texas and Louisiana.
 Wednesday was my laaaast shopping day with Dora and the gang;
Thursday I went out shopping for souvenirs for my kids and their spouses - and a few friends; then the evening was my laaast potluck (I and two others got to get our meals first, since my birthday was the next day AND I was leaving today. Going first at a potluck is a bigger deal than it sounds - just think about it ;)  Everybody wished me a Happy Birthday, which was awesome.
 Friday, Julia phoned at 8:00 and sang Happy Birthday to me, which was super awesome - and Bobby texted Happy Birthday to me - and many, many people on Facebook sent me birthday wishes, too! Friday afternoon I took the rental car back after two weeks of freedom;  Friday night I was taken to a luau at the church, a fundraiser for Libby's House, a seniors' daycare centre which is supported by Moody Methodist. Tish took me (choir member extraordinaire and pianist for choir practices and director of the Bell Choir).  She made a point of getting my email address, giving me hers, and making me promise to send her an email when I get back to Canada, so that she knows I made it back safely. I won two door prizes and the one thing I bid on in the silent auction - sort of felt like birthday presents ;)  There were a number of choir members there, and many of them came over to wish me well, tell me that they would miss me and were looking forward to seeing me next year.  Tracy (choir director) has told me that he will save my folder for me and will be happy to have me back in the choir in time for Christmas next year. I was really quite surprised by all this - the choir members do seem to like and appreciate me - great feeling!
Saturday was very busy, as I had left a lot of things to do at the last minute:  flushed out the fresh water tank and put a little water back in, just for emergencies - once I get closer to Canada I'll fill it, since no RV parks are open and I'll be boondocking at Walmart in Toronto;  emptied and flushed the other two tanks; paid some bills online; put stuff away so nothing gets broken while travelling; put the plastic box holding all my winter outerwear closest to one end of the basement, so I can get it out easily when I need it (sigh); reinstated the car insurance on my Ford Escape in Sue-Jane's garage; put  bumper stickers on the back  of the RV - will add more as I go more places; checked out the generator to make sure that it's working and got Harold to show me the sequence of switches that have to be pushed or pulled in order to turn it on - I haven't actually used the generator yet, but will need it for boondocking - especially running the furnace if it's cold further north. There was probably more, but that's all I can remember!  Friday evening, a group of about ten of us had a barbecue in the site next to mine - it's right next to the playground, so the grandchildren who were there (about six of them) played there while we partied.  Rob and Helen brought a cake and sang Happy Birthday to me, which was just sooo sweet!! Lovely, lovely evening!
Ron and Rob have (with my agreement) booked two sites for next year - Rob and Helen in one site starting in November; me in the next door site for December 1st.  Susan and Joan have already booked the site across the road for January - so lots of (now) old friends to look forward to!
This morning, I had to say goodbye to Faith, which was hard, but we exchanged addresses and she also made me promise to email as soon as I'm back in Canada.  Helen came back for a final hug - that was a difficult one, too. I'll really miss these people. I went up to the office to say bye to Ron - and then Dora - that was the worst one of all.  Dora has asked if I would like to work as a Camp Host next year - work in the office and get my site free - I plan to take her up on it, if she still feels that way next year!
Drove away to a new adventure, though - took the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar, then drove along swamps and next to the ocean and through lots of little towns.  I stopped at Frog City RV park about 40 miles north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Last night, they had a crazy amount of rain - but today was sunny - I seem to be following a nasty weather system - but it doesn't look like I'll catch up with it.  From now on, I will be comparing every RV park to Jamaica Beach - and this one is nowhere near as good - not even on the same planet - gravel sites, no activities, tiny pool, miniscule hot tub, right next to the highway and to a truck stop, so noisy.  I'm glad I'm staying only one night.  Met a couple from near North Bay - those Canadians - they\re just everywhere . . .
Looking forward to getting on the road tomorrow and heading for Montgomery, Alabama.

That's my home - right at the end!

Coming into Bolivar - I just love pelicans!

Last sight of Galveston Island - with the seabirds from Glenn Campbell's song - or is this Legolas' greatest fear . . . ?

Another view of the Galveston port, with cruise ships in the background.

Another ferry - the twin of the one I was on.

Cruise ships 

Leaving Galveston port. If you haven't figured this out - the pictures are backwards in time sequence . . . you know, last first, first last . . .  don't ask . . . 

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