Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday:  Luanne and I got up at 6:30 (actually, she set her alarm for 6:00 by mistake, so she was up before me!), which was actually a feat, since this was the time change day, so our bodies told us that it was really 5:30 a.m.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz    We went to the 7:30 service at the Roman Catholic church down the street - a rather magnificent building which used to be the Cathedral for the Diocese, but which is now apparently a co-Cathedral - the main one being in Houston.  It's been a while since I've attended mass in an RC church, although not as long as Luanne, who grew up Roman Catholic but hasn't darkened a church door for about 20 years.  She was astounded at the informality of the service.  I was once again reminded of the popularity of the Catholic church - the church was crowded, even at this early hour!  It was fun singing music I wasn't familiar with - the Missals had the music in them, which was very helpful!
For lunch, we went to the Sunflower Cafe, one of my favourites - then drove to Tiki Island.  I've passed the turnoff many, many times and assumed that this was a very small community just on the other side of the causeway to the mainland - and I know that they have an rv park there;  however, I was amazed at the actual size of the community - and the houses are huge and very expensive looking! In fact, it's very similar to Jamaica Beach - but larger!  Who knew that all that land and all those houses existed on Tiki Island??

I didn't take any photos of the church today - so this is a nghttime shot from a number of months ago

It was a grey, drizzly day as we entered the village of Tiki Island

Lok at the size of this one - and it's right on the water

Check out the decorated propane tank

Most houses have waterfronts - or backs, I guess

Love those palm trees

Cool entranceway

Sweeeeeeping stairway!

The causeway bridge in the background - Tiki Island really is just off the middle of the causeway

Shell decorated postbox

Luanne and I got a kick out of the misspelling of "duct"

Cool welcome sign

Not sure how they got away with this roof!

An rv park in the downtown Galveston area, where Luanne's friend Shelly lives

Luanne's car and the office / clubhouse building in the rv park.  I'm glad I found Jamaica Beach RV Park!!!

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