Wednesday 22 April 2015

April 16th to 22nd, 2015

Choir practice last Thursday - so great to see everyone and to sing with them again! Saturday was the first rehearsal of the massed choir - great fun!  Sunday church was awesome, too - looking from the choir seats to the window above the balcony - so many times, in Moody Methodist, I have seen that window in my mind, draped with the sailboat hanging and hear the hymn "She goes sailing on the wind . . . "
This week, I'm trying to catch up on this blog and re-establish some sort of routine - will get a pool membership one day and start morning swims again - doctor's appointment this morning - probably have a hernia, of all things - ultrasound appointment on Friday.  Funny how coming back to Ottawa seems to equate with all those stodgy, reality things that I have to do - like taxes - gotta get at those one of these days!!
Still - there's choir tomorrow night, massed choir Saturday and Sunday - things to look forward to - and I'm having a blast here, with Sue-Jane and her sister, Judy!

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