Saturday 28 November 2015

November 25th - 28th

On Wednesday I left Woodville to join Rob and Helen at the Bayou Bend RV Park in Baytown for another three days.  On the way there, on a country road surrounded by fields and a few farmhouses, my RV broke down.  Good Sam to the rescue again - but I had to wait six hours for a towtruck to arrive, and all garages were closed for Thanksgiving, so they towed me to the park (34 miles away) and here I sit until Monday, when businesses open again! It was a very tedious six hours, although I was a bit entertained by two guys shooting in the field next to me - not sure what they were shooting, but they had two dogs who appeared to be retrieving things,so probably small game . . .  Later, the same two guys spent about half an hour doing wheelies in the field - spewing up lots of dirt - reminded me of some teenagers I have known over the years.
Finally, I got towed to my spot in the Bayou Bend RV Resort - wouldn't you know, I'd be stuck in the most expensive park I've stayed in for years - and the wifi transmission box was stolen, so no wifi except in the laundry room, which luckily is an awesome room with easy chairs and tables! This park is really used by guys who work in the oil factories across the road - no real rv community feeling here!
Thursday was Thanksgiving - and an awesome one it was!  I was invited to join Rob and Helen's family at their son's mother-in-law's house for dinner - actually, for the afternoon and evening - complete with small children, games, fabulous food and fun!
Friday, Rob de-oxidized the front of my RV and waxed and polished it so it shines!! He had already washed it while at Woodville.
Bayou Bend RV Resort - kind of sterile

The Ranch 2 - the Getman rig!

Possibly the cutest little boy I've ever seen (excluding my own, of course)


Taking photos of father and son is impossible - they never stop moving!

The Thanksgiving table!!!

Carving the turkey!

Pie in the Face game - with whipped cream

You get the idea of this game

Char relaxing 

Jack posing

My beautiful, shiny - but malfunctioning - RV

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