Saturday 16 January 2016

January 16., 2016

Thursday, Susan, Joan, Vern, Daisy and I went to Mel's Diner for lunch - Thursday is brisket day, and they do make a mean brisket!  Daisy stayed in her crate just outside the door, knowing that she was in for a meaty treat once the humans had finished eating their meal! After lunch, we drove down to the east end of the island to take a look at the feral cats living there.  Some islanders come and feed them - but we missed feeding time so saw very few cats.
The evening, of course, was potluck time - I sat beside Zack and discussed The Lightning Thief (which he is reading in his Grade 3 class) and Greek gods. 

Friday was Crafts in the clubhouse - everyone brings something they're working on, be it crocheting, quilting, needlepoint, painting or whatever.  We always have fun - it's a real excuse  to socialize.

Today, Saturday, a storm has been building and is now upon us - lots of thunder, lightning, wind and rain - a good day to be on my laptop, updating this blog!

Inside Mel's Diner

The very east end of Galveston Island

Fishing off the point

Feral cat - very skittish when people get too close

Friday craft group


Linda and Faith (note my Canadian flag on the wall at the end of the room!)

The palm tree on my site gets bigger and bigger every year!

Storm clouds a-gathering!

January 9th, 2016

Festival of Lights today, at Moody Gardens:  I go to see this every year - about a mile long winding path with wire figures lit with coloured lights along it.  Some fun fairy tale figures, some Christmas-y stories and events told through the lights.  I particularly enjoy the Bethlehem story, which includes audio - as the voice tells the story, parts of the display (on both sides of the path) light up; for example, Bethlehem is mentioned and the town lights up; the shepherd, angels, and star light up as they are announced, etc. Susan and Vernon, Joan's brother, walked around and enjoyed everything.  Another highlight is the Twelve Days of Christmas, sung as the elements of the song light up at the correct moments.

The Nutcrackers!

The Twelve Days of Christmas


Susan and Vern

Vern on the shuttle bus

January 8th, 2016

The Ice Sculptures today, with Susan!  Last year was the first year for this event at Moody Gardens.  I didn't go then because I figured I've probably seen enough ice sculptures in Ottawa to last me a lifetime - and I heard that the theme was SpongeBob Squarepants, which really didn't excite me at all!  This year, however, I bought a membership to Moody Gardens, and have already seen three 3D movies at the iMax there (Jerusalem, on a park excursion, Wild Ocean and Secret Ocean with Luanne) and I've been to the Aquarium and now the Ice Sculptures.  I'm pretty close to the total of my membership fee, so it was definitely worth it!  I get one free entrance to the Ice Sculptures with my membership - otherwise, the senior fee is $21.95 - a crazy price for this event, although it probably cost a bundle to import sculptors from China to carve the pieces, and they need to recoup that cost. My expectations were already low, but this event went even lower, in my estimation! The sculptures are in one big tent, about the size of half a football field, which is kept at 9 F.  At the entrance, parkas are handed out.  I wore my winter coat, scarf, and gloves - but I put the parka on over my coat, just to be sure.  What a mistake! I sweltered!  The "sculptures" were, for the most part, blocks of ice in various colours - apparently, everything was very accurately SpongeBob Squarepants - correct colours, shapes, etc.  Not a lot of "sculpting" necessary here!  Oh well, I'm glad I got to see them and even gladder that I didn't have to fork over any cash for that privilege!
We were treated to an awe-inspiring sky on the way home, on the seawall!
I downloaded some pics from Confederation Park in Ottawa, just for comparison . . .

 I don't know the names of any of the characters - except the main one, of course.

 Susan, on the deck of the pirate ship

Me, same place.

The ice slide - I'm afraid that this is fake - just a pose to look like I was actually crazy enough to slide down . . .

Susan again

. . . and me in the ice cafe

Amazing sky - much better than my camera could capture!

Confederation Park ice sculptures, Ottawa