Saturday 16 January 2016

December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve!  This year has sped to a close - the week between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve just seems to have vanished - not even sure what I did during that time!  Lots of reading and movie watching on Netflix - some reorganizing of my rv and throwing out of stuff.  This evening was a party in the clubhouse, with "appetizers" - which means that Dora made soup and there were all kinds of meatballs, bacon wrapped chestnuts, cheesecakes, cookies, chocolates - whew, what a spread.  We did karaoke as well, and I met and chatted with an author, who writes humorous stories and historically accurate tales about her travels.  She's currently finishing off her third book and is still excited about seeing her books published!  Her name is Maryellen Anderson and if you want to google her, you'd better add the word "Bailey" - that's a cat she looked after for a while when housesitting and parking her rv! She travels alone, like me, in a motorhome - so we had lots to talk about!
I texted Happy New Year to all my kids - even stayed up until 1:00 a.m. in order to send a midnight message to Gregory and Anna.

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