Finally! I drove down Seawall Boulevard and experienced that familiar rush that always accompanies the sight of the ocean and the palm trees and oleander bushes! Lots of construction going on - the back part is nowhere near up and running - apparently they had more town issues and hoops to jump through! It was awesome to see Dora again - still can't believe she got me into a site (#45, right in front of the clubhouse) from now until Nov. 26th, when I'll move into my old spot in 29!! I parked, set up, chatted with some new neighbours, then went to the spa for a relaxing soak! The later part of the evening I spent texting with an increasingly anxious Luanne about the election results, with Trump leading. Wednesday morning confirmed the worst - Trump has indeed been elected as the next POTUS. Unbelievable. I'm not actually that surprised, though - I was afraid that this might happen. Spent about an hour on the phone with Luanne, commiserating. The afternoon I spent, for the most part, in my RV - don't really want to have to talk with anybody who might be cheering the election results. I drove my rig to choir practice, partly dreading encountering people there - but it was all good - lots of hugs from Tay, Tracy, Jenny, Mary-Sue, etc. Good to be here to sing. Tracey managed to get in a prayer at the end which was a hymn written by Ruth Duck, stressing the importance of helping each other, providing compassionate leadership, etc. Very, very appropriate, but not obvious. Great choice!
Thursday I spent getting laundry done and chatting with new people again. Potluck was okay - at the beginning, as we waited for the meal to start, a number of people "teased" me about the Canadian border being open to receive a number of celebrities who had stated they would move to Canada if Trump won - and these people wanted to get rid of them. I didn't laugh, but also didn't indicate my own feelings on the subject - and nobody actually asked how I felt about it all, so I guess I weathered that one! It's really difficult, trying to decide what to say. I know that a lot of the people here are Trump supporters - and I certainly don't want to get embroiled in any discussion of politics - so I'm aiming to keep a low profile without actually lying. Tricky, to say the least! Part of me just wants to leave - but the weather keeps me here - and also, I do actually really like the people.
The Clubhouse, pre-potluck dinner. Notice the Canadian flag, which I donated! |
The kitchen area. |
Buffalo wings . . . |
Texas flag! |
The oleanders are particularly beautiful this year - this is the earliest I've been here, so they're in full blossom. |
The bell which Ron rings to get everyone's attention at the start of dinner. |
Towards the new area in the back - see the new clubhouse going up and the lazy river meandering around. |