Friday 11 November 2016

Tuesday, November 8th, to Friday, November 11th, 2016

Finally! I drove down Seawall Boulevard and experienced that familiar rush that always accompanies the sight of the ocean and the palm trees and oleander bushes! Lots of construction going on - the back part is nowhere near up and running - apparently they had more town issues and hoops to jump through!  It was awesome to see Dora again - still can't believe she got me into a site (#45, right in front of the clubhouse) from now until Nov. 26th, when I'll move into my old spot in 29!! I parked, set up, chatted with some new neighbours, then went to the spa for a relaxing soak!  The later part of the evening I spent texting with an increasingly anxious Luanne about the election results, with Trump leading.  Wednesday morning confirmed the worst - Trump has indeed been elected as the next POTUS.  Unbelievable.  I'm not actually that surprised, though - I was afraid that this might happen.  Spent about an hour on the phone with Luanne, commiserating.  The afternoon I spent, for the most part, in my RV - don't really want to have to talk with anybody who might be cheering the election results.  I drove my rig to choir practice, partly dreading encountering people there - but it was all good - lots of hugs from Tay, Tracy, Jenny, Mary-Sue, etc.  Good to be here to sing.  Tracey managed to get in a prayer at the end which was a hymn written by Ruth Duck, stressing the importance of helping each other, providing compassionate leadership, etc.  Very, very appropriate, but not obvious.  Great choice!
Thursday I spent getting laundry done and chatting with new people again.  Potluck was okay - at the beginning, as we waited for the meal to start, a number of people "teased" me about the Canadian border being open to receive a number of celebrities who had stated they would move to Canada if Trump won - and these people wanted to get rid of them.  I didn't laugh, but also didn't indicate my own feelings on the subject - and nobody actually asked how I felt about it all, so I guess I weathered that one!  It's really difficult, trying to decide what to say.  I know that a lot of the people here are Trump supporters - and I certainly don't want to get embroiled in any discussion of politics - so I'm aiming to keep a low profile without actually lying.  Tricky, to say the least!  Part of me just wants to leave - but the weather keeps me here - and also, I do actually really like the people.

The Clubhouse, pre-potluck dinner.  Notice the Canadian flag, which I donated!

The kitchen area.

Buffalo wings . . .

Texas flag!

The oleanders are particularly beautiful this year - this is the earliest I've been here, so they're in full blossom.

The bell which Ron rings to get everyone's attention at the start of dinner.

Towards the new area in the back - see the new clubhouse going up and the lazy river meandering around.

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