Friday 17 January 2020

September 12th - 14th, 2019

Airdre, Alberta - home of Gregory, Anna, and Gracie Wagland!!! I booked into the Balzac RV Park, and then was picked up the next morning by the family to drive to Didsbury (home of Anna's parents) for Thanksgiving dinner.  Gracie is just the most adorable little girl in the universe!  The photos pretty much tell the story!  Delicious, almost completely Keto-friendly dinner, followed by time around the firepit in the  backyard. The next day, I got to spend the whole day with Gracie and her parents, playing in the park and just hanging out. Awesome visit!

Bunny peeking out from under a tree in the Balzac RV Park

She liked the pumpkin I made her!

Anna asked me to make Gracie a hat like the white one (which she had worn as a child!). This was my first attempt!

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