Wednesday 4 April 2018

March 12th, 2018

Jane took me to Filberg Park - right in the middle of Comox! Since 1979, this nine acre property has been owned by the Town of Comox and has been designated a national heritage site.,  The Filbergs were a logging family, self-made successful business owners and philanthropists. They lived in the big lodge here on this property (built by and for them) from 1929 to 1977. On the death of the last of the family, the property was donated for community use.  Festivals are held here and the grounds are amazing! Special events may cost admission, but generally it's all free. Jane and I walked around a small portion of the land - and even in winter, the gardens are spectacular - I can only imagine this place in June or July!!

An old totem pole has been laid to rest here, to disintegrate back into the land naturally!

There are even cacti here, all wrapped in plastic for the winter

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