Wednesday 4 April 2018

March 30th - April 1st, 2018

Good Friday: very moving morning service, with haunting clarinet solos and scriptures read by ministers from three different congregations around the area: St. George's United in Courtenay and a United church in Buckingham - plus our own Comox United.  We had a few additions to the choir for today, too, mainly from the Courtenay choir.  Friday evening, I went to Jane's  house for dinner - was picked up by Bev and her husband, Scott.  Wonderful turkey dinner, and great conversation - what an interesting group of people with all kinds of disparate backgrounds and experiences!  A lot of people seem to move here later in life, after living and working elsewhere in Canada - makes for fascinating conversations!
Easter Sunday: sunrise service at 6:40 a.m. at Goose Spit - stunning surroundings!  Barb picked me up and we went to the service togetherl  What would I do without Barb?? Some people from Comox United, of course, but also some who had read the announcement in the newspaper and just came along.  We sang quite a few songs and Keltie led a short worship service. We stood around a propane fire (in the past they've had a wood fire, but the fire marshall vetoed that this year) and we would have watched the sun rise, but for the clouds!  It was spectacular anyway! The service was followed by cod sandwiches on potato buns.  I took one bite and let Barb finish my sandwich . . . not too fond of fish, although I have to admit, this wasn't horrible . . .
     Easter service at the church at the usual time - lovely tradition of handing out daffodils to people as they come in - then there's a place in the service for the congregation to come forward and inert their daffodils into a cross a the front. The choir processed in singing a Cameroon processional, "Praise the Lord", which was fun!
   Kathy had invited me to dinner that evening with her son and her mother - chicken dinner this time, with all the trimmings - pretty awesome! Kathy has this amazing house right on the ocean - feels like a cottage, rather than a house - big windows with truly spectacular views - and back enclosed and open porches. Andrews is a fascinating, talented young man who is in the process of converting an old school bus to an rv! He's made a table out of a slice of tree trunk and incorporated shells, stones, and lights into the top. I'm hoping to see it before I leave! 
So - I was expecting to fend off loneliness this Easter weekend (I love being on my own, but special, family-centred occasions are often difficult emotionally), but instead I was welcomed into a bunch of people's lives and had an awesome time!!!

This is where the sun would have been rising

Minister Keltie is in the pink coat, with her daughter.

Barb, eating a cod sandwich

This is a scene from Kathy's back porch!!

Beautiful sunken living room - lots of wood - awesome place!!

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