Wednesday 4 April 2018

March 1st- 10th

There's just soooo much natural beauty around here - and it changes and grows all the time! As I saw in Galveston, the ocean has different moods, reflecting different colours, waves, birds, tides - it's all absolutely fascinating!  I don't take enough walks along the beach - but when I do, the scenery is always breathtaking.  I walk for a bit, sit on a log and just drink it all in, walk for a bit more, take some photos, watch the sea lions or the gulls or the bald headed eagles for awhile, rinse and repeat!!

Herring boat from the road back to the park

The RV park

Walmart parking lot in Courtenay - even here, the mountains are in the distance!

There are benches at intervals all along the road beside the beach

Sea lions again!

And . . .  still crocheting - needed a place for my patterns - this is the back of the driver's seat. Works quite well,

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