Saturday 9 November 2013

Saturday, November 9. 2013

I left Oklahoma at about 9:00 a.m. and arrived here in Kiva RV Park in Tucumcari, New Mexico about 4:00 - but there was at least one time change, so it didn't actually take me as long as it sounds! I was warned about the "winds sweeping down the plains", making for white-knuckled driving, but that just didn't transpire!  It was a bit windy in the western part of Missouri and the very eastern part of Okahoma - some gusts - but nothing to worry about.  I don't like using both hands on the wheel - and I needed to do that two times only. 
Oklahoma was rolling hills and green - Texas was flat, flat, flat and mind-numbingly boring countryside!  I was reminded of driving from Booligal to Hay in Australia and reading a novel propped up on the steering wheel - didn't need to move the wheel at all!  This wasn't quite like that - for one thing, an RV just takes more focus than a car - and also, there was traffic. Still, boring!!
New Mexico  started out the same way but then there were some interesting looking hills in the distance and a feeling of raw land - not sure how to describe that . . .
I'm now in my site in Tucumcari- awesome owner - good wifi on my laptop -I'm going to a restaurant next door on Route 66 for dinner as soon as I finish this blog.

Oklahoma campground - pretty basic.


                                 My motorhome parked in Oklahoma, right behind a plain . . .

                                                 "Scenery" behind my RV

                                                   Street on Route 66

                        Everything is Route 66 - wish I could stay longer and drive up and down
                        it - but the Grand Canyon calls!

                                                           Texas - flat and boring!

             It's pretty easy to take pictures here - not much traffic; flat and straight road!

                                  The Kiva park - now that it's dark, the park is lit up with coloured lights.
                                                                 How awesome is that?

My RV parked on Route 66, in the Kiva park - note the screen door - an indication of the weather here - SCORE!!

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