Saturday 24 November 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012:  I went to the Saturday morning breakfast, cooked by Dora (the owner) and then spent the rest of the day organizing and getting rid of more extraneous stuff!  The evening was interesting, though - I met a whole family of Spanish kids and their mom (and dad, who lasted about 10 minutes and then disappeared) - six kids in all.- in the hot tub. Of course, the conversation led to school and once they found out that I was a teacher, they all peppered me with questions:  "How can I study, I don't know how?", "I don't understand what they teacher is talking about, what do I do?". "They tried to get me to go to Special Education, but I don't want to", etc. etc.     It was a good hour of doing basically what I spent  my years in Student Success doing!  I finally decided that was enough and wished them all a good night.  They thanked me for my advice - wonder if any of them will follow any of it? They asked me if I missed teaching, and I said "Hey, I'm sitting in a hot tub, looking up at the stars - no, not really missing it - ask me in a year or two."

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