Thursday 29 November 2012

Thursday, November 29th, 2012:  Another busy day - skyped with my friend Careth in the morning over breakfast, went shopping with Judy - ironically, another Canadian - from Winnipeg.  She knocked on my door around 1:00 to ask if I wanted to come with her - into Galveston, this time.  I picked up a fruit tray for the potluck in the evening, and we checked out Target, Krogers, had a coffee at Starbucks, and went to the Galveston Visitors' Centre for lots of pamphlets and enthousiastically presented information about the island - a bit exhausting, but nice.  Running out of time, we found only one of the famous sculptures on the island.  After Hurricane Ike did its destructive thing in 2008, hundreds of beautiful red oak trees had to be cut down - but a lot of the locals got together and hired some sculptors to carve beautiful works of art out of the stumps.  I now have a map of exactly where they are, and will do the official tour one day.  Below is the pair that we found, situated, appropriately, beside a fire station.

This is the dog - looks like a dalmation.

Here you see both the firehydrant and the dog - with the fire station at the far left.  [Really, the hydrant doesn't actually look phallic from this angle - it's just the camera's twisted perspective . . . ]
I spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with my friend Sherry and her two wonderful children, Oved and Gabriella - then off to the potluck, and then the hot tub.  I am sooo enjoying this life!  Time for bed!