Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tuesday, Nov. 13th cont'd:
Boot Camp itself was amazing - information overload - but we were given a DVD and a book with most of the info, so I can review later!  There was a section on driving, but most of the time was spent on safety issues.  I learned, for example, the importance of knowing how much weight I can safely carry on my axles and on my tires (not necessarily the same thing).  I've booked an appointment to get weighed tomorrow morning. [In the '80s, apparently a lot of RV's came off the assembly lines already almost at their maximum weight allowance, thanks, primarily, to slide-outs.  This meant that, once a family loaded their belongings on, their RV was very unsafe and they were prone to blowouts (today these are referred to as "rapid air losses"). In fact, some RVs still make it onto the market in this condition.  Who knew?]
I also learned that I have no emergency exit in my RV, should there be a fire - and my fire extinguisher is woefully inadequate (it's the powder kind, which will smother a fire, but the fire can start up again; the only safe one is foam, which bonds to the material burning and smothers the fire for good).  I've rectified the fire extinguisher - bought the suggested three - one for the driver's seat, one mid-coach, and one in the bedroom; and I will be buying a suitable hammer asap, with which to break the back window, should I have to exit quickly.
Below are some pics of the classes.  Lots of good people with lots of great stories!  I've now exchanged contact info with four different people - and the chances are pretty good that we'll see other again!


  1. Back in the classroom so soon? LOL Just remember, teachers are the WORST students - though you sound like you're taking it very seriously. Better than I can say for most students, lol...

    1. Oh but what a class - totally motivated, hands on, eager to learn . . .
      And how are things with you?

  2. It never ends does it? Ha Ha!!!!!!

    1. It's been a long time since I've been on the receiving end of this kind of teaching - where absolutely every second applies directly to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
