Monday 17 November 2014

November 14-17, 2014

On Friday (14th) I headed for Little Rock., Arkansas.  When I got near Little Rock. my GPS took me waaaay out into the country, down narrow roads, to a farmhouse at the end of a long drive. I checked out my GPS and discovered that I had inputted "Locust Dr." instead of "South Locust Dr." - so I corrected that and headed for North Little Rock - a totally different part of the city which required backtracking to the highway . . .  Took another 40 minutes to get to the correct rv park!  Oh well, at least I had left in plenty of time - and I have no schedule. Downtown Riverside RV Park is right on the Arkansas River - and my site is about 100 yards from the riverbank - awesome view! The main part of the city is on the other side of the river, accessed by a number of bridges, visible from my site.  To my left is a railway bridge with a pedestrian walkway built into it (the Clinton Pedestrian Bridge) and to my right are two bridges - one the main highway access for cars; the other another railway bridge with pedestrian bridge attached.  I haven't tried any of them yet - I'm waiting for a warmer day - betcha it's pretty cold on those bridges, with the wind and the current temperatures in the low to mid 30's fahrenheit (that's hovering just over 0 celsius).  It's not supposed to be this cold here, damn it!! I hooked up - at least I have full hookups here, although the water hose may freeze . . . At night. the Clinton bridge is lit up with blue lights, which is pretty cool!  I walked over to Wendy's for dinner - really no options other than Wendy's, MacDonalds, and KFC.
Saturday, I walked over to a gas station to get some groceries - at least I found some bananas, but that was the only fresh food available.  I should have stopped at a Walmart or something on the way here, but I just assumed that, since this is a downtown site, that I would have pretty ready access to grocery stores.  Boy, was I wrong!  The area on this side of the river is very run down and poor looking - not sure how safe I feel walking down the streets - definitely won't be out at night here!
Sunday, I went to a church just across the street - the Friendly Chapel.  It's a Nazarene church - don't know much about the Nazarenes, but hey, a church is a church . . . They were - yes - very friendly - even announced in the middle of the service that there was someone here from Canada - made me stand up. Not exactly what I was going for, but oh well . . .  They're a very huggy congregation, which is fine with me - not gotten much in the way of hugs the last little while! The service was very evangelical - come up to the altars at the front of the church and be saved - right now - sort of thing. There was one guy playing a very nice electric piano, and the words to the various songs were projected onto the walls to either side of the chancel.  A woman was baptized - total immersion - so that was cool. At night, the Clinton bridge had variegated lights flashing - and loud music playing - luckily, I can sleep through pretty much anything , , ,
Monday - today - I got an email from one of the church members inviting me to a lunch at 10:30 - I thought she meant today, so I went over, but it's actually tomorrow.  Don't know what to expect - she said that she was taking a group out to lunch and would love me to join them - guess I'll find out what that means tomorrow.  In the meantime, they gave me a bowl of soup from the soup kitchen that opens at 10:45.  I spent the afternoon lying down - not sure why I'm so tired.

I'll added these photos later, as I took them with my phone, and they didn`t  upload to Dropbox for a few days.  WIFI here is generally great for text, but not so good for pics and terrible for video.  No Netflix here!!

Cool bridge, ehÉ

One end of the bridge

That`s my rv in all its glory!

The Clinton Pedestrian Bridge over the Arkansas River - from my window!

The back of the Friendly Chapel

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