Tuesday 18 November 2014

November 18. 2014

Woke up to find that my water hose had frozen, so I had no running water.  My own fault - I knew that it was going to be cold last night and neglected to bring in my hose. I went out to check it around 9:45 - unhooked, rehooked, manipulated the hose, which didn't actually feel frozen solid - just a bit icy - then went inside and presto - the water was back!
 I went over to the church at 10:30 and climbed into the van with seven other people, including the driver.  We drove about fifteen minutes to The Main Cheese restaurant in Little Rock - cool restaurant which, contrary to its name, does not serve only, or even mainly, cheese! I had a delicious quinoa salad and sampled someone else's homemade potato chips!  What a great group this was - although, incredibly, there were two long tables - and the 5 white people sat at one (except for me and the driver, whose name is Donna - absolutely lovely woman - and she's one of the church administrators) and the 8 black people sat at the other (except for three women who came late and sat at the other table, thus evening up the black/white balance).  [btw, if you're doing the math - yes, this does  mean that some people arrived in their own cars.]   Anyway, the food was delicious and the company was entertaining - we laughed and chatted a lot - and the welcome was absolutely amazing!
This afternoon I took my poor flat-tired bike to a bike shop a few blocks away - awesome guy - checked my bike out immediately, found the hole in the inner tube, put a new tube in, straightened the handle bars, and charged me $16!  The whole thing took about 20 minutes.

The main part of the restaurant
Our tables inside an alcove
The front of the restaurant
Looking across the parking lot - the restaurant does seemt to be oiut in the middle of nowhere!
I`m terrible with names - I think Stephanie, Charlotte, and Cecil
My bike - all ready to go - note its name . . .  which is probably why I bought it

The Friendly Chapel!

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