Sunday 23 November 2014

November 21st - 23rd, 2014

Friday morning I went to the movies!  Saw Part 1 of The Mockingjay - quite well done, although I really must read the novel again, as I think some extensive liberties were taken with some of the content . . .  Had to return the rental car right afterwards, and went back to relax and read for the rest of the day.
Saturday was laundry day  - definitely a necessary evil - good to have my clothes clean before I take off on Monday. though.
Sunday - my last day at the Friendly Chapel.  Definitely got the full monty today, with one woman totally overcome by emotion literally shrieking "Thank you Jesus" from the back and another lovely young man, just finished radiation and going into chemo for cancer, sobbing and being comforted by two other members of the congregation. I left a quilted fish and Frances' descants, plus Liz Elton's history of Glebe St. James, in the hands of Donna's husband, Philip, one of the leadership team.  Hopefully, Donna and I will stay in touch through Facebook - gotta love that Facebook!!

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