Saturday 13 January 2018

September 24th - 26th, 2017

Left early (5:00 a.m.) to get to Whitby for Jake's baptism!! A long, dark drive from Gracefield to Whitby!  I made it in plenty of time, though - and omg, what a gorgeous baby Jake still is! The ceremony took place in the backyard, with two friends of Bobby and Kara as the godparents, and Kara's parents and me as the witnesses.  Great to reconnect with Kara's parents, too!
I drove to Toronto that afternoon and spent the night with Julia and Leon - and took Julia to visit Jake and Bobby the next day.  That was awesome - and we left when Jake had obviously had enough of strange people in his house for long periods of time!!  What a cutie!!
Nice visit with Julia and Leon, too - they really are a great couple!
Announcement:  Anna and Gregory are expecting a baby in the spring!  My cup is definitely running over!!

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