Saturday 13 January 2018

September 6th - 21st , 2017

Back in Ottawa - went to get my car out of the garage and realized that the key was in my rig on Vancouver Island!  Luckily, I had left a spare at Sue-Jane's house - will have to be really careful not to lose this key or lock it in the car - ever!  I've gotten back into the old routine - Church Sunday, crafts Monday, Choir Thursday, Scrabble Friday - with crocheting and watching tv in between - along with internet stuff, of course.  I'm missing my rv like crazy - very few clothes here, no big coffee cup, etc. etc.! It's great to reconnect with friends here, though - very much like coming home!

Went to Hogs Back just to sit and enjoy the scenery  Last time I was here was with Rob and Helen the summer before last, before going to the Maritimes.

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