Sunday 6 April 2014

Friday, January 24th, 2014

Spent the day sort of hanging out - saw Luanne's house in its recently-painted- but- with- no- furniture- yet state, and I finally got to see the inside of the Pink Palace.  This inspired me to realize that I could revamp my rv, too! More about that later. . .

One of the famous tree sculptures - the figurehead of the Elyssa - right next door to Luanne's new house.

Luanne's kitchen - great cupboard space.  It was added later.  This house was built and maintained by the Church and housed priests who were under a cloud . . . Their meals were cooked at the Bishop's Palace and brought over to the hoiuse - hence the lack of a kitchen in the original building.

Cool ceiling - added later, but still awesome

Neat chandelier - the picture doesn' t do it justice - it's very wood - y 

The piece de resistance!  This view of the Bishop's Palace is what Luanne sees from her kitchen window - and from the upstairs bathroom, too!

Luanne's street - isn't it funny, how often the most prestigious streets in a city are badly paved and full of potholes!  I'm thinking of Clemow in Ottawa.

Luanne's new house, in the historic district of Galveston

Luanne's computer table, attached to the wall and really fitted to this space.  Who would have thought that one could customize an rv like this?

Cupboards and pretty storage boxes, all Luanne's additions to her rv

Magnetic knife strip, which Luanne says holds the knives absolutely steady while she is driving.

Shelves with rods to hold stuff in while moving

Spice containers to hold spices firmly and out of the way

The bathroom is furnished completely in Mardi Gras decor - it's awesome!

The kitchen - across from the sink and counter - not the built-in counter with stools bolted to the floor

Luanne's bedroom - thus completing the tour and living up to its name: The Pink Palace!

That evening we had a  "Girls' Night" - wine, food, and cards with Helen, Luanne and I.  Note the wine label, contributed  by Luanne . . .

It was a hilarious evening!

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