Saturday 26 April 2014

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

It was wet and cold and dreary all day today - bummer, since this was my one day to explore Temple Square.  I took the free shuttle to the Square and had a personal guided tour by two missionaries - one from Singapore and one from the U.S. It was very cool to see all the historical buildings, artifacts, etc. - very interesting place.  The proselytizing was secondary (well, to me, anyway) and not really that hard to deflect - I mean, quoting bible verses to me really doesn't work - my father read the Bible aloud from beginning to end at the breakfast table from the time I can remember to the time when we just read a few verses and then  a commentary. We went through the whole Bible twice and nothing surprises me - you just can't impress me with scriptural knowledge - but I do enjoy listening to people who are totally committed to their chosen belief system.  The Celestial Room was absolutely awesome - so peaceful and contemplative! I had lunch at the Lion House Pantry - great pot roast - and then went to the Family History Library, where I researched my family's history for an hour and a half - absolutely fascinating, and I'll continue the research from my own computer!

Cool organ

Cool kids playhouse-looking structures with aninated films about the LDS beliefs

The Temple itself - no one but Mormons allowed inside

A model of the inside of the Temple

Model of Jerusalem - explained below

Walls of the Celestial Room

Huge statue of Jesus in the Celestial Room - includes short audio commentary with biblical quotes

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